Monday, September 24, 2007

off day in glasgow, montana.

hello all,
me and iain are survivin. partied last night away in the hotel bar with a bunch of drunk locals, a pastor, and the cleaning ladies from the hotel. the bartender made us something called a 'brain hemmorage' which looks like blood, but is in fact a tasty treat! other highlights include: me being absolutely befuddled after losing $2 at video keno (because every bar/restaurant in montana is also apparently a mini-casino); iain talking with the cleaning ladies about being sick of riding bikes all day, to which one rather hefty one replied 'you can ride me!'; and having a deep discussion about the moral implications of the show 'to catch a predator' with pastor troy.

oop, the librarian is kicking me off the computer now...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mille Bornes

Glasgow Montana
September 21st 2007

Today with little fanfare, but great person excitement we crossed the one thousand mile mark for the trip. Standing side by side astride our steeds we starred out at the seeming endless grasslands beyond Shelby Montana.
As we depart the Rockies, and peddle on to the vast sky and fields of cut wheat our days become shorter, flatter, and more contemplative.
To sum up, today we road 103 miles, our single day high thus far. We overate once again at something deceivingly named “Pizza Pros.” And met a man walking west on a barren stretch of highway 2 who said he was headed to Seattle, he took our pictures as we passed. I wish we could have stopped to speak with him a spell longer.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Ahh, some much has happened over the past week, less this become another lovable but boring travel blog we shale try to cover only the humorous and epic elements for the time being.

Milestones and Pain-
Though the crossing of the North Cascades was surely trying, our assent of Marais Pass, elevation 5220 ft, proved to top it. Apparently northwestern Montana has decided to bypass autumn entirely and proceed directly to frozen wasteland. Lets just say heavy headwinds, homicidal truckers and snow, yuck!

On a lighter note, as we approach the fabled millennium, I am contemplating an appropriate celebration to follow up our warm fizzy Fat Tire beers at 500 miles.

Eating America-
Ahhh the food report; dinners have quickly become a mainstay of the trip, as has the legendary chiliburger.

Fact: over the past 5 meals Iain has consumed chili-based products 4 times…
So, as not to turn out tent into a gas chamber, we have proposed eating healthy…I'll let you know.

Local color-
What’s the best part about eating in dinner and gas stations all the time?...The people of course!
Here’s the honor roll so far:
The Oliver family, of Twist Washington, who took us strangers into the comfort their home. The husband, a local pastor, who’s life long dream has been to peddle across America even gave us a sincere prayer to send us on our way. Thanks to these wonderful individuals.

Mysterious crazy woman of Grand Coulee Washington-
A first we thought you were mute and actually in trouble when you cornered us at our diner table, but alas you were too high/crazy and you momentarily forgot how to talk. Thanks Heidi Hoff for handling this situation so compassionately.

Cowboy cyclist outside cute bank Montana-
I talked bikes with this friendly middle-aged man with a big cowboy hat for a few minutes at a Louis and Clark roadside monument as his wife immortalized the moment on her video camera. And then they drove their Oldsmobile with South Carolina plates off into the distance a yellow Lance era Nike team baseball cap proudly displayed in the back windshield.

Overheard in…Shelby, Montana!
Me: “Oh, ah I actually don’t need a bag”
Clerk Lady: “Well at least you didn’t say ‘I’ve already got one at home,’ I hate that one.”
Me: “Ahh, ha ha”

Me: “I have the feeling that this shamey is about to become an adult diaper.”

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


we're safe and sound in Kalispell, MT, staying the night with extended Hoff family (Thanks Heidi!). lots to update about, more to come soon!

the kindness of strangers, pt. 1

september, 11, 273mi

We journeyed up highway 20 from Raser State Park to Colonial Creek, at the foot of Ross and Diablo lakes. Long without companionship of the female kind, we were delighted to share the road and our pains with the Heidi's (Heidi Hoff and Heidi Biggs, respectively). Both collegiate competitive cyclists and all-around great gals, they have been a welcome set of traveling partners.

Our day-long quest to find small American flags to replace our trailers' stock yellow safety flags had ended in... great success (Borat accent)!! We will now be proudly flying square, American flag bandannas the rest of the way across the nation. Keep your eye out.

Big shouts out to Lisa from Olympia and Jeanne from West Seattle. Last night in Rasar St. Park these gracious ladies invited us over to their warm camp fire, and proceeded to ply us with delicious cheese, crackers, and box wine, while they enjoyed gin and water ("because we ran out of 7up, and what's the difference, really?!"). So cheers, invite you to raise a tall gin and water, and toast: 'to the kindness of strangers!'

Salud, Tamaso

the first.

September 10th, Day 3 mile 220

Greetings from the road this is hopefully the first of many correspondences tracking the incredible bike adventure of Tamaso and Iain across America 2007! We will update in person when possible, but Hri may also update for us.

Today, our 3rd day on the road, we enjoyed a pleasant peddle across a variety of scenery including tidal flats, pastoral meadows and crowded highways. We traveled from Port Townsend across Puget Sound and are currently in Raser State Park at the foothills of the North Cascades:

I will spare you further details and close with a list of the most ironic/memorable things seen today.

#1. A small poorly designed, hard to read sign advertising quality sign and banner making service at a value.

#2. A very obese woman in a PT Cruiser listening to “Baby Got Back” at high volume in an ice cream shop parking lot.

#3. Bumper sticker reading: “Jet noise, the sound of freedom” spotted near Whidbey Island naval air station.

#4. “Double Darrel BBQ, Home of Smokin Good Ribs” restaurant outside Sedro Woolley burned to the ground