Monday, September 24, 2007

off day in glasgow, montana.

hello all,
me and iain are survivin. partied last night away in the hotel bar with a bunch of drunk locals, a pastor, and the cleaning ladies from the hotel. the bartender made us something called a 'brain hemmorage' which looks like blood, but is in fact a tasty treat! other highlights include: me being absolutely befuddled after losing $2 at video keno (because every bar/restaurant in montana is also apparently a mini-casino); iain talking with the cleaning ladies about being sick of riding bikes all day, to which one rather hefty one replied 'you can ride me!'; and having a deep discussion about the moral implications of the show 'to catch a predator' with pastor troy.

oop, the librarian is kicking me off the computer now...


Unknown said...

Hi Tam

Corina gave me your blog address. I am digging your journey vicariously. Maybe one of your blogs could be a "golden thread." I've been biking to school, so for at least 2.8 miles I can fantasize rugged mountains with the occasional grizzly. Keep your flags upright.

Bike Power,

Tom Nolet

Unknown said...

Hi Tam

Corina gave me your blog address. I am digging your journey vicariously. Maybe one of your blogs could be a "golden thread." I've been biking to school, so for at least 2.8 miles I can fantasize rugged mountains with the occasional grizzly. Keep your flags upright.

Bike Power,

Tom Nolet